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Reviews and responses to Vaudeville of the Vulva

Vaudeville of the Vulva reviews

Review of Vaudeville of the Vulva in Nimbin Good Times, October 2011 p 13

“Making use of puppets and multiple costume and personality changes, Vaudeville of the Vulva is a playful and risqué presentation of the wonders of the vulva. The characters included an Indian tantric teacher, the very proper English professor, the famous French lover plus others, all with something interesting to say. The Catholic nun espousing the joys of ‘self help’ was hilarious.

A little like The Vagina Monologues that spread all around the world 10-15 years ago, but from a comedic perspective, the Vaudeville of the Vulva is a celebration of the vulva and female sexuality, excellent for men and women of all ages (post puberty of course) where everyone can learn something as well as laugh their way through some layers of sexual shame and ignorance.

An appetite whetter extraordinaire!

Excerpt of review by Mark O’Brien in Byron Body & Soul April 2019
Read the complete review here

Lilith Rocha
Lilith RochaJournalist 2011
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VAUDEVILLE OF THE VULVA is a user friendly, even family friendly, comic cabaret celebrating the visual richness, infinite variety, wild humor and affectionate dimensions of this much projected upon body part. With audience participation from squeeze-along song to rollicking goddess invocation to favorite yoni adjectives, Laura-Doe keeps her finger firmly on the love button while channelling her cheeky, multicultural pussy personalities through a variety of vocal velvet vulvae with wit, lusty gusto and hilarious ebullience. I found myself wishing hard that this show could travel to the Somalia of Waris Dirie, genitally mutilated supermodel who wrote so movingly about seeing this intimate piece of her anatomy detached and discarded like a dead butterfly. Bringing awareness to the astonishing 130 million women worldwide affected by this practise in liner notes only without beating you over the head, this artful, aphrodisiac edutainment supports a worthwhile cause and makes you feel sexy at the same time – another example of infinite vagina magic…!
Franklej28 June 2019, Oxford Daily Info
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What a show! Truly I can say I have never laughed and learnt so much within such a short space of time – certainly not so much about my body too! Although I do not shy away from exploring my femininity, Vaudeville of the Vulva opened up a whole new world that I would probably never have known about otherwise. This unexpectedly resulted in me really considering my place as a female in society with regards to genitals, sex, bodies, and the male gaze. Laura-Doe’s witty, knowledgeable presence is perfectly engaging throughout the performance. Her comic characters explain issues, ideologies, myths and scientific answers for both sides – the ‘vulva lovers’ and ‘people with vulvas’ – with hilarity, honesty and plenty of puns. These ideas were liberally expanded upon with catchy lyrics (often including the audience’s call and response) which pretty much abolished most opinions I had before about the female genitalia. It was not only the women in the crowd that enjoyed Vulva narratives, men too could get plenty of tips! The show commenced with a fantastically cultivated Vulva version of Tom Jones’s ‘Delilah’ – cleverly to ‘my oh my vagina’ – this of course got the crowd weeping with laughter, all joining in with glee. All I can say is go and see, with honestly open eyes and ears – Laura-Doe, thank you for allowing me to view with you the importance of education about the female genitals with a wicked amount of laughs!

Audience Responses

Feedback from Vaudeville of the Vulva in Scottsdale Arizona

Vaudeville of the vulva scottsdale feedback

“It was WONDERFUL. Revolutionary, healing, funny, informative, connecting, inspiring. Sounds a bit of a cliched list of compliments but I mean every one of them. So, thank you, for this work you’re doing. It’s so important.”

“The whole show was so clever and funny; I can’t remember when I last laughed so much.”

“Congratulations on a fantastic show! You are a courageous, talented and very funny woman!!!”

“Thank you for such a wonderfully juicy night”

“A moment to sing some praises for Laura-Doe and her fabulous show, “Vaudeville of the Vulva!”. I knew this lady was beautiful, awesome and talented, yet after seeing her full show last night, in a private home setting, I was blown away at just how brilliant she is! Genius! Laura-Doe has an extraordinary way of educating on the ins and outs of the vulva, whilst keeping everyone wonderfully entertained. Hilarious! If you have a hen’s night, a group of friends you’d love to put on something special for, or just want to bless your home with some juicilicious energy and get more education on the feminine anatomy out there, get in touch with her and have a show at your place!”

“I thought the subject was handled very sensitively, respectful, tasteful (!) Very uplifting!”

‘Thanks for bringing such joyfulness and mirth into the lives of so many. Your routine was hilarious as well as inspiring and its positive messages were easily accessible to everyone. It’s great for women to be able to view their femininity in a totally different light to what’s normally packaged for feminine consumption. Bravo Laura!!! You’re a bloody legend.’

“I loved the music and was even singing “Big Bad Baubo” in my sleeping last night – that is how much I loved the interaction and singing along”

“I felt somehow uplifted by the openness, my learning, the fun and the beautiful music/songs – it was a sensory feast”

“I left feeling elated .. had a lot of fun and it was refreshing to find a show dealing with female genitalia that was humourous and honouring… well done”